Saturday, November 5, 2011

Evaluating the Threat of Terrorism

Without a doubt, terrorism plays a central role in American politics and well-being. By starting wars in response to terrorism, or even to prevent the threat of it, America has involved itself deeply in Arab affairs. These threats of terrorism obviously need to be taken very seriously. So seriously in fact, that I support American intervention in the Middle East and advocate for increased international participation to help regulate unstable countries or radical Muslim groups.

The need to protect ourselves, Americans, should be prioritized by our government, even at the cost of harsh condemnation by foreign or even domestic critics. Despite what USA Today editor writes, that America should relinquish its role as a world cop to European nations, the United States needs to protect our own interests at all costs. For the best results, we must enforce it ourselves. To that assertion, I support American military presence abroad and increased security measures at home.

However, violating our own ideals would be destructive to American morale, such as denying natural rights as noted by CNN writer, Ed Husain. Similarly, anti-terrorist programs in America should be lessened in favor of providing soldiers and aid to help Middle Eastern countries also under the threat of terroist groups.

Yet as an American, I have strong opinions to preserve my country's ideals. The war on terrorism, while definitely susceptible to corruption or injustice, is still wholly a necessary and just action to take. Especially with the foreboding presence of terrorism.

1 comment:

  1. Nathan:
    While your opinion on terrorism in the USA is clear, consider how your views will have even more credibility when you can synthesize a 2nd or even 3rd author. Noting Ed Hussain's comment is well done here.

    Mr. Heller
