Monday, January 30, 2012

Obama's Call for Educational Reform

In this opinion piece, Melanie Maxwell focuses on Obama's recent goals in education during his State of the Union address. He aspires to reduce college tuition and to raise the legal high school dropout age. College debts are daunting for students, either putting them in severe financial situations or discouraging them from even going to college. The current drop out age similarly reflects on America's "stupidity" that allows for a 16 year old to prematurely dictate his career (or lack of it). With these questions in mind, Obama suggested an incentive programs for colleges that would only give them federal funds if their tuition rates are "responsible." He also wants to raise the drop out rate to 18 or until graduation.

While educational reforms scare some Americans of the economic crises it can place on our already struggling economy, investing in our future can also be the solution to a stronger, smarter, America.

Friday, January 20, 2012

EDUCATION: Finland and the U.S.

Stephen Tung writes about the idealized Finnish school system that is so culturally different from
America's. For one, Finland is ranked approximately 20 levels higher than America in math, science, and reading out of 65 countries tested. Their system obviously works, due to its different emphasis on education than in America. Funding is not dependent on merit (like in America), but rather, it's based on the number of students. Standardized tests are not used, and teaching jobs hold a heavier weight there. They are considered to be at the same level, if not higher, as that of doctors, lawyers, etc. While adopting a foreign system blindly is not wise, it still raises questions as to how America should operate to reflect more successful countries: whether we should emulate a rigid educational structure like that of Southeast Asia, or use Finland's more liberal method.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Kristof Synthesis

This columnist has a strong affinity to write about humanitarian issues, particularly in third world countries. A lot of his articles also focus on government issues, such as corruption.
The 4 articles I read by Kristof all suggest his passion for honestly trying to improve the world. It's obvious he cares about these issues because he travels internationally and tries to call attention to various injustices (even being arrested on some occasions). Kristof probably accepts a realistic view of society; that a lot of it is suffering and nowhere near as progressive as fortunate places like America. However, there is also an element of hopefulness in his writings because he actively tries to counteract this injustice by appealing to readers to donate money or attend charity events.
Even though Kristof chooses to write about depressing and cynical aspects of the international society, he is urging for change and presses Americans to do something about it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Repressing Democracy, With American Arms

Kristof focuses on the proposed $53 million arms sale with Bahrain that Obama must decide whether to approve. He concedes the fact that Bahrain does serve as a useful buffer state between Iran and America, and U.S. naval bases are stationed in Bahrain. Kristof then raises doubts whether America should support the Kingdom of Bahrain since it supports "systematic, violent oppression." By providing arms to tyranny, America is ruining its own reputation to uphold democracy. Kristof enforces this opinion by writing about two victims of the Bahrain regime which emphasize the Bahrain government's evils.