Monday, January 30, 2012

Obama's Call for Educational Reform

In this opinion piece, Melanie Maxwell focuses on Obama's recent goals in education during his State of the Union address. He aspires to reduce college tuition and to raise the legal high school dropout age. College debts are daunting for students, either putting them in severe financial situations or discouraging them from even going to college. The current drop out age similarly reflects on America's "stupidity" that allows for a 16 year old to prematurely dictate his career (or lack of it). With these questions in mind, Obama suggested an incentive programs for colleges that would only give them federal funds if their tuition rates are "responsible." He also wants to raise the drop out rate to 18 or until graduation.

While educational reforms scare some Americans of the economic crises it can place on our already struggling economy, investing in our future can also be the solution to a stronger, smarter, America.

1 comment:

  1. Nathan:
    Either entry (thus far) focuses on the status of education, either at home or abroad. Thoughtful and timely.

    Mr. Heller
